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Earnings and invoice summaries

We keep track of all Helpers' earnings and invoice summaries in the app, here's where to find it.

Written by FGF Login
Updated over a week ago

Where can I access my earnings and invoice summaries?

We keep track of all of your earnings and invoice summaries with Five Good Friends. You can access all of this information in the 5GF app under the "earnings" tab. In here you'll find:

  • A tool to generate a summary of earnings for a specified date range

  • A history of your invoice summaries (the invoice summary total is the amount you'll receive in your bank account) that you can reconcile with your banking transaction history every fortnight. Tapping into these invoice summaries will reveal a breakdown of the amount you've invoiced Members and deductions (e.g. our platform fee).

  • We recommend you reconcile your invoice summary total against the amount paid into your nominated bank account on a fortnightly basis. This is published after 2 pm on Mondays each fortnight.

How can I find out my total earnings for a period of time (e.g. I'd like to know my earnings for the financial year, or for a quarter, or from X month to Y month)?

You are able to generate a summary of earnings report from the 5GF app. You can specify a date range to generate a report for ( e.g. the financial year -- which is really useful at tax time). To do this you need to:

  1. Open the 5GF app

  2. Navigate to your "earnings" tab

  3. At the top of the screen, you'll see a section labelled "Generate summary of earnings"

  4. Select the dates you'd like to generate a report for then select the button labelled "Generate"

  5. Your report will be generated as a PDF which you can download or share via email or whichever app you'd like to use.

The report details:

  • Sales - This is the amount you've invoiced our Members for your services. This amount is inclusive of GST if you are GST registered.

  • GST on your sales - If you are GST registered, this means you charge GST when invoicing our Members. This is a percentage of the sales amount and tells you how much of that amount is for GST. If you aren’t GST registered the column will be empty.

  • Purchases - Purchases are the expenses you’ve paid to provide your services on the Five Good Friends platform. We charge a platform fee to be a Helper with Five Good Friends that covers administration overheads, training, and insurance. You may have additional purchases or deductions you can claim for running your business at tax time - please talk to an accountant or tax officer for advice.

  • GST on purchases - We charge GST as part of the platform fee we invoice you for being a Helper on our platform. You can see the GST we collect reflected in this column. This amount is a percentage of the purchases amount and tells you how much of the fees went towards GST.

  • Total - This is your Total Sales (inclusive of GST if you are registered for GST) less Total Purchases inclusive of GST. We recommend you reconcile your Summary of earnings Total against the amounts paid into your nominated bank account during the financial year.

This information directly corresponds with the information you need to fill out when filing your Business Activity Statements (BAS) or your taxes for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), we hope this makes it easier for you!

*The tool only generates reports from August 2018 - current

The tool can only generate reports from August 2018 until now. If you need a summary of your earnings for dates earlier than August 2018, please get in contact with us and we can sort it out for you.

Can you send me a payslip?

Payslips are for employees only and detail a worker's entitlements, superannuation and the income tax withheld from their pay. However, as a Helper, you are more than likely an independent contractor and not an employee of Five Good Friends.

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for running your own business. This means it is your responsibility to keep track of your earnings and invoice summaries, pay your own super, and manage your own taxes. We keep track of your earnings and invoice summaries and you can access all of this information in the 5GF app under the "earnings" tab. We recommend you reconcile your invoice summaries total against the amount paid into your nominated bank account on a fortnightly basis. Invoice summaries are published in the app every fortnight after 2 pm on Mondays.

I no longer work as a Helper with Five Good Friends, can I still access my earnings and invoice summaries?

If you are no longer a Helper with Five Good Friends, you will have still have access to the Earnings tab and the earning report. Your access to the other parts of the app will have been revoked. You will see a message saying "Feature disabled" for these sections of the app.

I'm experiencing issues and can't find what I'm looking for

We're sorry to hear that. Please call us on 1300 787 581 or email us.

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